When drafting a turnaround services plan, Intricate considers a single plant strategy to conduct turnarounds and maintenance.
Our team sets challenging goals well in advance of a turnaround and shutdown. To do this successfully, Intricate uses a well thought out, top-down intuitive process that clearly defines roles including that of manager and teams in the turnaround who are involved in all aspects of the below::
As we move into a more regulated and environmentally sensitive Canada, Intricate starts all planning with our technology in Intricate software, as a standard to identifying key strategies related to plant turnaround performance.
Choosing a strategic turnaround partner like Intricate will affect how a plant organizes and delegates turnaround goal-setting responsibilities such as
A well planned facility maintenance turnaround requires additional contractors to be hired to work alongside their crews. Our sister company Harvest Oilfield Service is an all heat provider in several industrial capacities, and Harvest provides exemplary service and heating solutions when partnered with Intricate during facility turnarounds with industrial cleaning – a more robust vessel cleaning solution.
It is extremely important that all of the people involved in plant, facility or refinery shutdowns and turnarounds are industry experts, well trained and understand their place in the turnaround process.
Facility modifications and turnarounds are extremely costly, and seen as major disruption from a company’s regular operation, but is an extremely crucial part of business. When done correctly, they can generate financial benefits to the company, increasing the margin over life of the facility and increase day to day safety.
Intricate and Harvest is the clear choice for turnarounds and maintenance services in Alberta; with field offices in Calgary, Sherwood Park, Lloydminster, Grande Prairie, Drayton Valley, Manning, Peace River, Red Earth and White Court and in BC; Fort St John. We also cover Bonnyville, AB. For more information on Intricate turnaround services during scheduled off stream periods, email us at scottbartlett@intricategroup.com or call us today.